
文章来源:语言研究院 作者:1月6日 发布时间:2013-12-30 浏览次数:769




讲座人:赵守辉 [挪威]卑尔根大学(Bergen Univerisity)



主持人:沈骑 副教授



The Language Planning and Policy Studies as an Emerging Discipline: China and the World

Language planning and policy (LPP) as an area of research has seen a phenomenal development over the recent years in China. Drawing upon the international experience of developing trajectory, this talk attempts to examine the features of indigenous scholars endeavors from a comparative perspective about the academic traditions, with a hope to provide some insights on how to develop an emerging research area into a full-ledged academic discipline. In the introductory part, I will highlight some milestone events spanning over a decade or so with a brief exploration of driving forces accounting for the spectacular research boom; The second part focuses on the definitions and contents of LPP; In the third part, I will compare the differences between China and the world from the perspectives of epistemology, paradigm and goal; In the conclusion part, I will close the talk by suggesting the future directions in order to advance the Chinese LPP into an academic subject with promising prospect.


赵守辉:悉尼大学博士(语言学系)。专业汉语教师,自1988年于中国人民大学中文系研究生毕业以来,曾在六个国家八所大学从事汉语言文化的教学和研究至今。自2005年起,任新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院应用教育研究中心研究员及亚洲语言系助理教授(2008-2011);自2014年起,任Bergen大学(挪威)人文学院外语系副教授(终身),中文项目负责人。研究领域包括对外汉语言文化教学、语言政策及规划、汉字现代化、新加坡华语教育等。发表专著及教材(除一部外皆为第一作者)六部(两部英文),词典(参编)三部,译著一部;自2007年以来发表海内外期刊及论文集论文60 余篇(一半为英文)。兼任东北师大(2011) 及重庆大学(自2012)客座教授、上海外国语大学特聘外籍专家及商务印书馆特聘研究员。